Pulp Fiction
One of the things which affected me when I was younger was this movie, because it was so different from other movies I had been seen. I love that it had a lot of different references to pop culture. The effects they used in the movie made the scenes seem so real. I watched this movie on a big cinema screen, and I remember specific one scene when one of the main characters was going to prepare drugs for injection. After the scene I became really dizzy and I had to sit alone for awhile before I could watch the rest of the movie. It was so real. I also became a fan of Mia Wallace because of her style. After I watched the movie I got a hairclip just like her.
Lana Del Rey

As you probably have noticed on my blog I really like Lana's music. The music is so different from what we hear from today's music industry. Her music brings back to great memories when I was in peace with myself. A time when I was surrounded with beautiful and inspiring people. But also a time when I found the person I wanted to become and which interests I really liked such as philosophy, psychology and poetry. It was all about living for the moment, and everyday was a great adventure. I really missed that, because when it all happened it felt like a surreal dream. When I listened to the song, Videogames I started crying because it reminded me about this beautiful period of my life and the fact that it's all gone. She's a musician who takes time for her art and creates her own ideas and personas which she wants to be. I like the fact that she writes her own songs and that she covers songs from artists who are forgotton in our generation. Many references are from literature and poetry. She's a great inspiration to me because it also encourages me to work with my art project. I have many favorite tracks such as Videogames, Born to die, Blue Jeans, Yayo, Gods and Monster, Bel air etc. I'm looking forward to her new album, Ultraviolence.
When I was younger I was introduced to different types of music, and music became a special part of me. I grew mostly with the 60's music. My parents had a lot of vinyl, and I think the vinyl player was on all the time. During the 90's. it was more grundge music. Before I always spent time visiting CD shops with friends when it was lunch break and I saw the Nirvana's Album, Nevermind which was on the bestseller shelf, and then I knew it had to be really good. I really loved Kurt Cobain's voice. It was very unique to me, a golden voice which is hard to find these days. My favorite tracks are Heart Shaped Box and Come As You Are.