I know that I haven't updated for awhile, but I have been very busy with exams. I have still a few exams to focus on. However, it's been sunny lately, and you can say that I have been enjoying it every minute. Hopefully, the 6 months of snow and grey weather is over. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you are having a great Easter! I can't believe it will be 4 years since I started this blog in June, and I am very happy that I decided to do it. To be honest, I thought no one would read this blog to begin with so it was sort of a place to have my outfits. But now there are readers from around the world who read this blog and leave so many great comments every day! You have no idea how grateful I am to have you on board on this this journey with me! I will figure out something fun when it's fashioncandyfloss 4th anniversary.
There are many of you, who have asked me if I have a pinterest, and I have actually, but I have never mentioned it! Here it is: