Bag - H&M
Jacket - Bikbok
Scarf - Ebay
Shoes - Converse
I always try to find new locations to take photos. It's actually really difficult, because the places I like are crowded with people. So I often take random buses to the city, to be able to discover new places, and interesting shops. I haven't been to this part of the city so much, and I had no idea that it wasn't so very crowded. But it was really beautiful by the sea, and there were a lot of boats. It was a really peaceful place. I have to say that it's getting really chilly, but autumn is a really inspiring season. I like autumn fashion the best. So some months back my relatives had a discussion on which country people think I am originally from, and who I look like. My face changes a lot through the years. It's really interesting I have to say.
Just for fun, where do you think I am originally from, and do you think I am mixed?