This time, my outfit is inspired by the season spring. I decided to wear a white dress with a floral headband, because the white colour of the dress always reminds me of a white flower which blooms during spring. It has been sunny lately, which makes me really happy. Because during the last couple of weeks it has been snowing, raining and snowing. It's really dark all the time. Anyways, I hope that you're having a wonderful week, and that you like my outfit!
I really love the combination between dark blue and gold. I really love the headpiece, because it's very different from the headpieces that I own. It's very simple with great details. I have been watching TV series a lot lately, and I have become totally addicted. I am very into Suits and White Collar. Are any of my readers watching these series? I found some old photos from France and it inspired me to create a French inspired outfit. That means I am planning on a blog entry where I feature some beautiful photos from France and the outfit I was talking about, so look forward to that! Have a nice week everyone!
I really love this dress, because of the colour and the small details. This outfit is inspired by the fairies and fairy tales. Sometimes, I wish that fairy tales existed. When I was younger I used to read a lot of fairy tales, and it was a part of my childhood I really liked. It was one of my happiest times. Most parts of my childhood was in the late 90's. I remember some parts of my childhood. When I look at old photo albums from the 90's it was a really great period of my life. It was a very unique era when it comes to fashion and music. I take a lot of inspirations from my childhood. When I look through old movies from my childhood I could say that art in all kinds of forms have been with me since I was a child. I loved singing, acting and drawing during this time, but for some reasons when I grew older I developed a great interest in fashion, and still it hasn't changed.
I have looked through old photos and I came across some photos which were taken before I started blogging. During those times I remember I took outfit photos just for fun. But I think at some point I figured out that I wanted to share my interests in fashion and get inspired by others. This is why I started blogging. When I look at these photos I have to say that I have changed so much these past two years. I remember I wanted to try a new hairstyle, and I liked it in two days but hated it after that. I hope that you like the outfits! Have a great weekend everyone!